Gimkit tool to learn while playing
If you’ve used Quizlet or Kahoot, you’ll love Gimkit. Gimkit adds dynamism and strategy to learning by introducing the incentive of earning or losing money for answering questions.
A unique and different game created by a student for students.
Stay here to learn more about Gimkit.
What is Gimkit?
Gimkit is a game platform in class or at home where students compete with themselves or in groups by answering questions on their electronic device.
As a tutor you have the option to create your own questionnaires, import material that you have already created in Quizlets or upload a file CSVyou can also choose one from the gallery and modify it.
You can use Gimkit to make formative assessments or to introduce a topic and review concepts.
And if you want to use it as homework, just assign a due date so that students complete it at their own pace.
The most attractive thing and what differentiates it from other tools is that in Gimkit you earn money instead of points. And, the money you earn in the app can be used to improve game scores.
Gimkit’s gameplay is very attractive to students. It keeps them attentive and motivated, as well as requiring the use of strategy to obtain the best results.
Students can play individually, compete against each other, play in teams, or play as a group.
Teachers can download detailed reports of their students’ performance.
Gimkit started as a high school project, its founder is Josh Feinsilber. he wanted to offer an improvement to the popular quiz platform kahoot.
Gimkit is still employing high school students to help run the platform.
Gimkit has been very successful as the tool is easy to use and students and educators love it not only because it is very fun and dynamic but also because students can also create their own games.
Gimkit has improved test scores by 14% which is double what other apps have achieved.
How does GimKit work?
Right from the start I was amazed at how easily and quickly you can start using Gimkit.
After entering the site you just have to enter with a Google account or your email and that’s it.
You enter as an educator or student. Then you enter the account, create groups and create a “kit” that are live learning games, you can also use those from the library and modify them to your liking.
As I told you before, you have the option to create your own quiz, import material from your Quizlet account, or import a CSV file.
Gimkit allows you to create 5 kits with the free account option. With this option you can get a good idea of how it works.
If you love it, you can opt for a monthly or annual payment plan.
In order for students to play, you choose a kit on the dashboard, choose to play, and post the game code on the board.
When you start the game the students can start playing by entering the code that you have provided on the page of
You can choose to play for time or until students raise a certain amount of money.
For example they must play until they collectively get $25,000 or playing in career mode, the first player to reach $10,000 wins.
They can also play for time and get the most money in 10 minutes.
These options are unique for a game of this category and this has really turned out to be a huge incentive and attraction for students.
The money can be reinvested to improve your game and align it with your strengths.
For example, they can invest their money so that their answers are worth more money in their next game.
Gimkit is definitely a student-centric game that has been carefully planned to please students and educators.
Gimkit it also gives you the option to prepare questionnaires collaboratively. Thus, all students must generate a question in order to participate in the game.
Games can be played live or individually assigned by the teacher.
So in Gimkit you have an excellent option to use gamification and game-based learning in your courses.
It is no coincidence that in one year the users of Gimkit increased by 800% and very recently the platform has been improved in its version GimKit 4.0 based on user feedback.